这里是类图,你可以比较 ,得到两者之间的差别。
下面java代码展示了状态模式如果工作。 State classes:
package com.programcreek.designpatterns.state; interface State { public void saySomething(StateContext sc);} class Rich implements State{ @Override public void saySomething(StateContext sc) { System.out.println("I'm rick currently, and play a lot."); sc.changeState(new Poor()); }} class Poor implements State{ @Override public void saySomething(StateContext sc) { System.out.println("I'm poor currently, and spend much time working."); sc.changeState(new Rich()); }}
StateContext class:
package com.programcreek.designpatterns.state; public class StateContext { private State currentState; public StateContext(){ currentState = new Poor(); } public void changeState(State newState){ this.currentState = newState; } public void saySomething(){ this.currentState.saySomething(this); }}
Main class for testing:
import com.programcreek.designpatterns.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]){ StateContext sc = new StateContext(); sc.saySomething(); sc.saySomething(); sc.saySomething(); sc.saySomething(); }}
I'm poor currently, and spend much time working. I'm rick currently, and play a lot.I'm poor currently, and spend much time working. I'm rick currently, and play a lot.